Sunday, October 09, 2005

Triste réalité

Le New York Times consacre en ce dimanche matin une page sur les bénéfices des chômeurs en Europe.

Conclusion :

France might be the cushiest alternative of all, however. France not only offers generous compensation, but it has yet to organize an efficient network of job training and placement centers. So in practical terms, the most an out-of-work person has to do to maintain benefits, Mr. Grubb said, is to call in every six months to confirm that no new job has been found.
The French government is trying to change this laissez-faire approach - in part by adding yet another benefit. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has proposed giving the unemployed a bonus of 1,000 euros, or about $1,200, for taking a job, even as the government weighs a three-strikes rule, under which jobless people would lose their unemployment compensation if they turned down three job offers.
The French government is also trying to make it easier for small companies to lay off workers. But that proposal provoked thousands of strikers to take to the streets last week in Paris and other cities.”

Comment envisager attirer des investisseurs et favoriser la croissance dans ces conditions?


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